How Can I Help My Child to Sleep Well?

Most parents understand the importance of sleep for a child’s wellbeing, as well as their physical and cognitive growth.

Depending on the age of your child, you may find that they struggle to sleep well, either due to waking throughout the night, or finding it hard to fall asleep in the first place.

While you may expect a baby, or very young child, to wake throughout the night, older children and teenagers should have a good sleep routine in place.

Choose the Right Bed

Having the right bed and mattress can make a great amount of difference in your child’s ability to sleep.

Research the different types of bed, such as toddler beds, that will give them the sleep they need, and even double as storage facilities.

When choosing a mattress for your child, you need to make sure that it will not cause them to overheat, and be firm enough to support their spinal posture. 

A bed that is too big or too small may not feel comfortable to them, so it can be a good idea to test out different bed sizes prior to purchasing a frame.

You also want to consider accessibility. While you may not want a baby to be at risk of falling from a bed, an older child may need to be able to get out of bed safely at night.

You could also consider the placement of the bed, as well as any side supports, to reduce the risk of falls, while still giving them a means of getting in and out easily.

Help Them to Stay Dry

Many children struggle with staying dry during the night.

Although this can be normal for toddlers, even older children can suffer from night-time incontinence. 

To alleviate this, and allow them to sleep through, you might want to consider some of the ways that you can help them to remain dry at night.

Something as simple as restricting fluid intake in the hour preceding bedtime can help with this. 

Encouraging your child to use the toilet prior to going to bed may also be of great help.

Drinks with caffeine or sugar should also be avoided in the run-up to bedtime, as these can have an effect on your child’s bladder, as well as cause problems with going to sleep.

Cut Off Video Games

While playing video games can be fun, staying on computers or consoles close to bedtime can keep the brain active, even after switching them off.

Some studies found that the game content itself didn’t alter the lack of sleep, but the amount of time spent playing had a great effect.

Therefore, it could be a good idea to limit the amount of time spent on technology as bedtime approaches, particularly on school nights.

Sleep is important for your child’s growth, as well as their ability to perform well at school.

While they may not appreciate bedtime routines now, it is clear that the implementation of these routines can benefit your child greatly.

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