Easy Ways to Freshen up a Room

Keeping your home looking fresh and up to date is far from easy. Often you will be trying to do so without spending too much time and money. The demands of family life usually mean that you are short of both. With this in mind, I have come up with a few suggestions to help you to solve this conundrum.

Update your flooring

Perhaps the most time-consuming and expensive job is updating your flooring. It is one of those jobs that most of us dread doing, and with good reason. The disruption of moving everything out of the room and ripping up the old floor material is enough to put most people off. But, every now and again, it has to be done.

When it is time for you to tackle this task, consider using engineered wood flooring. It is very cheap, yet is extremely durable and easy to lay. Provided you are organised and the substrate is already level, two of you can easily replace the flooring in a bedroom in just one morning.

Only repaint if you absolutely have to

If your walls are looking a little tired you do not necessarily have to move everything out of the room and repaint them. Instead, try to wash away any marks. You will be pleasantly surprised by how often this is enough to brighten up a room, especially if you wash down your skirting boards too.

Even if the marks are too bad to remove, you may not have to completely repaint. It is fairly easy to cover them up using stenciling, wall stickers, and wall hangings.

Make some no-sew soft furnishings

When your soft furnishings and other soft items need replacing just go online in your lunch break and order what you need. If your budget will not stretch to this, consider making your own table-cloths, throws and cushion covers. It is far easier than you think.

Often, you will not even need to get the sewing machine out. There are plenty of no-sew techniques you can use to make what you need. To learn about them, search online to find videos that show you how to make a range of items using fabric glue and other products. It is easy and this is the sort of task that should only take you an hour, maybe two, to complete.

Create a focal point

Most rooms lack a proper focal point. Creating one is really easy and will make a huge difference. How you do it really is up to you. There are plenty of approaches you could take. It could be as simple as setting up a vase of flowers on a strategically placed table or shelf. Or, go to the effort of shelving out the alcove either side of your fireplace and using ornaments to turn that area into your room’s focal point.

As you can see, you really can make a huge difference with just a few hours work. If you were to set aside one day a month for DIY you could get a lot done and keep your home looking the way you want.

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