5 Easy Ways to Find Time for Yourself as a Busy Working Mum

Life as a mum can get so hectic and chaotic.

And it can be so completely and utterly draining when being 'on' 24/7 saps all your energy and you become more tired than you ever knew possible!

Just how can busy mums get more 'me time' to recharge their batteries?

The full-on busyness of motherhood isn’t something you truly understand before you have kids.

When you only have yourself to think about, there are plenty of other things that take up your time. 

Perhaps work commitments or social engagements.

Meeting your partner, and starting a family just seems like a logical step to take.

You swear your life won’t change that much, but it really does in more ways than you realise. 

The biggest thing you lose is time, and more specifically time for yourself.

5 Easy Ways to Find Time for Yourself as a Busy Working Mum

Your days are spent working, perhaps looking after the home, or taking care of your children when they come in from a hard day at school or nursery.

Life moves at a fast pace, and before you realise, the day is done and you wonder if you even drank as much water as you should have or whether you even got to eat a full meal.    

The truth is all mums need a little 'me time' every now and again.

Of course, these days that 'me time' isn’t sitting around at a spa sipping cocktails all day!

It’s about getting snippets of time as and when you can.

It’s seeing an opportunity and grabbing it with both hands.

With that in mind, here are 5 ways you could try to snatch a bit of time for yourself to recharge your batteries.

1. Have Some Just for Mum Products

So many times you have to share your bathtub with the toys or use the kid’s bath foam.

Well, while that is all right for a short-term thing, it’s nice to get some products that are just for you. 

Some new moisturisers, bath creams, and scented candles that smell divine.

These are the things you can whip out at a moment's notice when you get soem time to relax.

It might just be that you jump in the shower, wash your hair, and manage to use a new body wash.

Add to that five minutes to moisturise your body and you will feel like a brand new woman. 


2. A Nice Hot Bath

When the children are all tucked up in bed is the perfect chance for you to have a little time to yourself.

This could mean running a nice hot bath and having a good long soak.

You can put some of those products to good use and relax in the aromas.

A hot bath can be all it takes to recharge your batteries and feel human again.

Why not take it up a notch and create a home spa experience?

You could invest in hotel-quality bathrobes and slippers.

Perhaps a new pyjama set and a face mask.

Being a mum can take every bit of energy from you, so make sure you take care of yourself.

A bath like this may not be on the cards every night, but if you can schedule it some time, for example, a Saturday evening when you have the extra support of your partner may be, it could be the ideal opportunity to indulge. 

3. A Moment of Peace

Taking a moment with a hot drink and a magazine or a good book is the simplest way to take a 5 or 10 m,inute break from your day.

Maybe the kids are at school or playing happily together, or you just have a bit of time if they still nap.

Use this time to your advantage.

It is understandable that you may have chores to do or errands to run.

Try to ignore them!

If you just take ten minutes to yourself to enjoy a nice drink and have a read of something that interests you, you won’t believe how refreshed you'll feel.

In fact, you will probably get just as many chores done, if not more, after your break.

It’s all about taking care of the mind.

If you can invest some time for yourself, then you are likely to be productive because of it. 

I try to have this mini me break first thing in the morning before falling into the day of homeschool, household tasks and work.

It really helps focus the mind for the day to come!

4. At-Home Treatments

Try an at-home facial. Seriously, this isn’t as posh as it sounds!

It’s taking the chance to pop on a face mask and relax while it does its thing.

Or concentrate on your skin by giving it some TLC.

It may not be as relaxing as having a facial in a lovely salon, but you will see the benefits.

When we look good, we feel good.

So taking care of yourselves is one of the best ways to boost confidence.

You could even look into some homemade options and put your pantry items to good use.

Honey, avocado and yoghurt can all be put towards making homemade masks for your skin and they can give some pretty amazing results.

Lookup some recipes online and give one a go.

Or maybe you would prefer an at-home mani-pedi?

Take some time out to paint your nails.

When you have freshly painted nails, you instantly feel better about yourself.

It doesn’t take long to do but can be an instant mood lifter.

These things don’t need to cost a lot of money, but the benefits certainly outweigh the costs!

5. Exercise

It may sound like this is using more energy than actually saving it, but exercise is actually amazing for you as a mum when it comes to your mood and mindset.

There are many home workouts that you can do simply by following YouTube videos or DVDs.

You could get up a little earlier in the morning to exercise, and feel energised for the day ahead, or you can choose to do it during nap times or in the evening.

The endorphins rush around your body and have such a positive effect that it is definitely a great way to spend your time to yourself.

You could even head to a local class in the evening or at the weekend.

Just a 20 minute walk can make all the difference to your day, and your life.

Most important of all, taking time for yourself gives you the opportunity to take care of yourself.

If you are a happy contented person, then you are a happy contented mum.

The kids get the best of you when you are feeling at your best, and so do you.

So invest in the time to make that happen. 

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