Family Days Out in Surrey: Ramster Gardens

On Sunday we visited Ramster Gardens in Surrey, a glorious sprawling garden renowned for its spring flowers and shrubs.  The gardens are very informal with delightful mossy paths, woodland areas and endless shrubs.  The azaleas are at their peak now, and the rhododendrons are coming out creating great masses of colour everywhere you look.  Much of the garden is carpeted in bluebells at the moment, and well worth seeing before they go over.

In the Tennis Court Garden, there are large pots of sun-worshipping tulips enjoying the glorious weather we've been having.

The children playing statues are one of our favourite spots in the garden, and the place we always gravitate back to.

Overlooking the pond, they are backed by wonderful flower displays in spring, and glorious colour from the turning leaves in autumn.

The picnic benches in the Dingley Dell area are perfect for a rest or lunch stop, and a place our girls love to explore.

The beautiful blue azalea echoed the wonderful scented bluebells on the ground.

We love to walk down the steps to the Woodland Walk, crossing the Red Japanese Bridge to skirt the Lake, then walking on to The Bog Garden which will have towering gunneras in a couple of weeks time.

On the way, there are lots of wild flowers to see, with masses of wild orchids making their appearance soon.

The gardens are endlessly fascinating with so much to see and to admire.  Our girls love wandering and exploring, always finding a new area we haven't explored before.  We can easily while away the day.

With different flowers, petals, leaves, seeds and stems, there are so many learning opportunities, the ideal place for hands-on learning.

And so much beauty to ooh and ah over!

Sophia and Tatiana were desperate to find Simba the cat, usually located near the pond, but nowhere to be seen this time alas.

Back to the children for a tea and cake stop, and a game of hide and seek.

And a final visit to the Tennis Court Garden where we spotted newts in the pond, much to Lara's delight, pond skaters, water snails and more.

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