How Positive Thinking Can Change Your Life

Is your glass half full or half empty?  What do your thoughts focus on?  What you have or what you don't?  All the good things in your life, or the bad?  Your thoughts create your reality, so focusing on negativity and problems will fill your mind with those.  Whereas think positively, focusing on the good things in your life, and looking for the good in every day will fill your mind, and your life, with good things and a happier outlook.

Do you know what happy, successful people think about every day?  It’s simple.  They think about what they want and how they can get it.  Positivity truly can change your life.

When you spend your time thinking and talking about the good things you want from life and how you can achieve them, you will feel happier and more in control.  When you think about happy things, your brain releases endorphins, which give you a feeling of well-being.  It doesn’t take long to develop a positive attitude.

The Importance of Optimism

Research has shown that happy people have one specific quality that enables them to live a better life: optimism.  If you’re groaning at the very thought of being positive, stop now.  You don't need to worry because optimism can be learned.

It’s all about cause and effect.  If you change your way of thinking and become more optimistic, you will start to feel happier and see results.

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Look for Good in the World

There are several distinct ways that optimists approach with the world, which sets them apart from those who do not think positively:

  • They remain focused on what they want, and continue looking for ways to achieve it.
  • They set clear goals and remain confident they will achieve them.
  • They look for the good in every difficult situation.
  • If something goes wrong, they take new knowledge or a lesson from the situation.

If you look for the good in someone or something, even when things go wrong, then you will always find it.  By looking for the good, you will find yourself becoming more cheerful.

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The Power of Positive Thinking

Optimists seek the lesson in every obstacle.  They don’t get upset and look at where they can lay blame but instead look at things logically, and see what they can learn from what has gone wrong.

Positive thinking has several benefits to your life:


Willpower and motivation come from a strong mind.  Negative thoughts lead to negative actions. When you replace pessimism with optimism, you reshape your outlook.

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Strong Relationships

Happiness attracts happiness, so happy people attract people who are happy.  If you surround yourself with negativity, you will only attract more negativity.  Positivity breeds trust, which builds strong relationships.  Without trust, relationships cannot survive.


Negativity spreads and can impact other attributes, such as self-esteem and confidence.  The key to leading a happy life is loving yourself.  Optimists laugh louder, love harder, and walk taller.  They glow.

Strong Mind & Body

Negative thoughts are draining and can have a severe impact on your mental health.  They can leave you struggling to get up in the morning and inhibit your ability to sleep.

Fatigue and negativity lead to sadness, and a lack of motivation.  Therefore, negativity takes a toll on your whole body.  Make time every day t exercise and practice self-care to keep your body and mind healthy and maintain your positive outlook.

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Choose Happiness

You can make the choice today to see the glass as half full instead of half empty.  Look at your blessings rather than noting every shortcoming.

Look at the best in everyone around you, because in truth, the majority of people are honest and good.  Look for the good in people's actions and words, and resolve to be cheerful around others.

It’s easy to be upbeat when everything in your life is going well.  However, it’s even more important to do so when everything is going against you.  If you can still draw from your inner strength and look on the bright side of life, it will pay off in spades.

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