Beginner Yoga Poses to Help Busy Mums Reduce Stress

Stress and anxiety are, it seems, an inevitable part of parenting. Whether you're trying to juggle work with having the kids at home, trying to make ends meet on a strict budget, dealing with behaviour challenges, or just trying to keep all the plates in the air each day, stress is our default mama setting. Yoga is a great way to de-stress and can be done in just a few spare moments. So, hit the floor and get rid of some of that stress.

For all of us, stress can build up over the course of a long day, especially when you're a mum. And for many people, it can be difficult to find a healthy way to release stress effectively.

Yoga has been practiced for more than 5,000 years, and many yoga poses can reduce high levels of stress as well as anxiety. Below we have three poses that even beginners can do that are perfect for combating stress and anxiety.

These yoga poses help to promote a peaceful mind and are some great poses to do when you only have a few minutes of time available to practice. (I see you juggling mama!)

To make the most of your practice, remember to hold each pose for at least 30 seconds and to breathe deeply. It often helps to close your eyes or to fix your eyes on a point in front of you while concentrating on your body and your breathing. All of these poses are suitable for beginners.

Cat Pose followed by Cow Pose

To do the cat pose, get down on all fours on the floor. Slowly arch your back while dropping your head. Hold this pose for 30 seconds before manoeuvering into the cow pose.

To do the cow pose, lower your back, and lift your head up so that you are looking at the ceiling.

You can continue to alternate these stomach and back movements slowly while breathing deeply. Avoid holding your breath as you transition your body.

Child Pose

To get into child pose, sit on your bended knees with your arms raised overhead and your hands joined. Bend your torso forward until your hands and head touch the ground while keeping your knees on the ground.

You can hold this position for at least 30 seconds. Some people move between the child pose and the cat pose slowly, enjoying the unique stretches that both poses provide.

Extended Puppy Pose

This pose is very similar to the child pose, but it stretches different muscles.

Rather than sitting on your haunches as you do when getting into the child pose, you sit up on your knees. Then, you raise your hands overhead before leaning your upper body toward the ground.

With the child pose, your bottom will rest on your feet. With the extended puppy pose, your bottom will be in the air while your arms are stretched as far in front of you on the ground as possible.

Each of these poses provide you with excellent stress-reducing benefits. Try to sink into each pose more fully with each deep breath that you take. Allow your mind to focus on your body and your breathing.

Avoid rushing through the poses simply to be done with them, and instead, feel the tension melt away. It only takes a few minutes to enjoy the stress-relieving benefits that these yoga poses can provide, making them the perfect fit for your busy mum day.

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