15 Super Cute and Fun DIY Garden Projects Every Kid will LOVE!

The things we teach our children become a part of them throughout their lives, and gardening is no exception.

Teaching children how to grow food - and how to LOVE the food they grow - is one of many ways you can ensure that they will always be able to feed themselves.

And there isn't much that is more important than that!

I've collected these awesome DIY Garden Projects together with kids in mind. From crafts to toys to ways you can get kids started on growing actual, living plants, there is a pretty amazing variety here. 

Crafty parents will love creating the fun DIY Plantable Felt Garden Box, a wonderful toy to spark the love of gardening in toddlers.

And if your kids are learning how to cook, there are ideas for building kid-friendly gardens around popular foods like Tacos and Pizza.

I hope you and your kids will find yourselves inspired to plant and grow All The Things!

Which is your favourite kid-friendly garden project?

DIY Garden Projects For Kids

Butterflies are always a big hit with kids, so why not devote some of your garden to become a caterpillar and butterfly paradise?

Creating a butterfly garden with your kids is a great way to help our colourful flying friends while adding peace and beauty to your landscape!

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Indoor herb gardens are a great way to teach children about growing plants AND creating aromas and flavours at the same time.

And by choosing a variety of plants used in their favourite foods, you can personalise their garden even more!

Another fun garden project to teach kids about the foods they eat, this vertical onion garden offers a fascinating view of how onions grow.

Not only that, but with this indoor onion garden, you can add onion greens to your food for months!

If your kids love tacos, they will love the chance to grow vegetables they can contribute to the next "Taco Tuesday" dinner.

Tomatoes, onions, lettuce, and more - these plants are beautiful, kid-friendly, and a great opportunity for learning!

With some cute bowls, beads, and paints, you and your kids can create these adorable Ladybug Garden buddies.

These bright and friendly creations can really light up that special corner of your garden!

Mushrooms are a beautiful (and tasty) fungus that are simply magical.

With the right kit, your kids will be completely enchanted watching their mushrooms grow right before their eyes.

Look closely - you might even see a fairy or two!

One beautiful way to brighten up your garden is with painted rocks like these Ladybug Mandalas.

This project is beginner-friendly and perfect for kids and adults alike!

You might not automatically think of a cactus as a kid-friendly plant, but you might be surprised. 

Cactus plants come in a variety of fun shapes and colours and are incredibly easy to take care of, offering a fun opportunity for kids to begin learning about the plants that fill their world.

Even when the weather is too cold for gardening, small children can "grow" these bright orange carrots and the friendly worm that watches over them.

It's a lovely reminder that soon it will be warm enough to grow real carrots too!

Start teaching toddlers and small children about gardening with this adorable DIY Plantable Felt Garden Box.

This creative toy mimics plants in soil, encouraging an interest in the plants in your yard or garden.

Adorable and friendly printable insect friends make perfect plant markers for a children's garden.

Print them for free to help your kids learn the official names for the plants they grow.

Fairy gardens are a huge hit with kids, and this beautiful little garden includes real succulents too.

These enchanting plants are easy to care for and come in a variety of shapes and sizes, making them perfect for kids just learning to garden!

The best way to inspire kids to love gardening is to make it fun.

This Storybook vegetable garden brings the magic of Peter Rabbit to life, as well as teaching kids the ingredients in a delicious vegetable soup!

One of the best things about growing plants is sharing them with friends.

This paper-making project gives kids a chance to share seeds with the people they love, encouraging others to grow something beautiful, too!

Whether you choose to grow the vine or not, every kid-friendly garden needs some watermelon.

These painted rocks are bright and colourful and don't even need watering!

More ideas for gardens for kids:

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