15 Fun High Flying Kite Crafts for Kids to Make

Flying a kite is such a fun thing for kids to do and any child who loves kites will adore these fun kite craft ideas.

Make these kite crafts on a rainy day or in the evening after a busy day outdoors plying kites!

"Let's Go Fly a Kite" is a song that any child familiar with Mary Poppins knows by heart.
The uplifting melody invites singing, smiling, and of course, kite flying.

And while there are all kinds of wonderful kites sold on the market, kids really love the chance to make their own.

These kite crafts give kids different ways to create their own flying kites or make other wonderful things that celebrate the kite.

There are pretty pictures to hang on the wall, kite-like treasures to hold in the hand or fly from sticks, and even a kite-filled mobile that would look absolutely beautiful hanging over a baby crib.

You might be surprised at all the ways you can make your own kite. I know I was!

If you make any of these fun kite projects with your kids, head over to our Facebook page and tell me about it.

Fun High Flying Kite Crafts for Kids to Make

It may surprise you to see just how easy it is to make a simple paper kite.

What I like best about this is that the diamond shape gives so much room for your child to decorate it creatively.

The little bows tied to the string add another dimension of beauty while being functional, as well.

This wonderful kite is so easy, even the little ones can help make it.

Made with a paper bag, long strips of crepe paper, and some kitchen twine, this kite resembles a windsock in flight.

The little ones will love it!

This fuzzy heart-shaped kite is a little complicated for the small ones to make, but older kids can certainly get involved.

Not only does this kite actually fly, but it makes a great decoration too.

Kids will be proud that they helped create a kite that looks so pretty in the air!

These Black Glue Kites are not meant for flying, but they will certainly look beautiful hung on your wall.

Outlining the pattern in black glue with bright watercolour in each spot, these kites look as if they are made of stained glass.

It's a craft project to be proud of!

This project is actually a puppet of a kite, which is almost as good as a kite, especially when the puppet kite is a Chinese New Year Dragon!

Ferocious yet friendly, this dragon is ready to fly around the house with your child and bestow good luck and blessings on everyone who sees it.

Whether or not you celebrate the Hindu tradition of Sankranti, this kite mobile is a beautiful craft that will look great in any space.

The small kites are bright and colourful and the tiny beads are a wonderful detail, making them look so real you can almost imagine them floating right off the mobile and up to the ceiling.

This paper plate kite is more along the lines of a kite "puppet" since it "flies" by way of the attached stick.

Regardless, it large circular pipe is beautiful with long streamers of fabric drifting through the air behind it.

It's the perfect kite for toddlers to run around with!

If you still get a printed newspaper, this kite is one wonderful way to reuse some of it.

The unique design makes for a kite that flies surprisingly well.

This kite looks cool made from the ad section of the paper, but I bet the comic pages would look even better!

Another diamond-shaped paper kite, this is a great opportunity for kids to express themselves creatively.

When finished, their artwork will be flying high in the sky where everyone can admire it!

This lovely cupcake liner kite craft is a great way to keep kids busy in creative fun over a weekend.

The pretty kite is made from cupcake liners and against the background of blue, is sure to bring a smile to your face.

These easy to make kites are definitely as simple as can be.

Kids can decorate their paper any way they want it and parents can help with the rolling and folding. 

Once complete, these kites fly so easily, the littlest ones will love seeing them up in the air.

The Hindu festival of Sankranti is traditionally celebrated, in part, with children flying kites.

And this Sankranti Kite Craft walks you and your kids through the steps necessary to make this unique and lovely kite.

Kids will be really excited to fly this one!

This pretty kite is so bright and colourful, it's hard to believe it is made from a simple paper bag.

The pretty pastels make this kite look perfect for springtime.

But with a simple change of colours, your kite can express your appreciation for any time of the year!

Another kite that isn't a kite in the traditional sense, but is great fun for the littlest kids.

This kite is made from a small wooden hope tied with colorful streamers.

Easy to carry in small hands or wear as a bracelet, the Waldorf Hand Kite drifts in the air as children run, spin, ride bikes, and do anything else that catches the breeze!

These small and simple paper kites are so easy to fly, they are perfect for smaller children.

A joy to colour and create and even more fun to play with, your kids will want to create more and more of these fun kites!

And one extra fun non-flying kite idea, these gorgeous kite cookies aren't exactly a craft but they are certainly fun to make - and to eat!

More fun craft ideas for kids:

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